Dear Mr. Musk,
I wanted to inform you that your company may be under a hostile threat that may be unseen by you, your investors, management team and board of directors.
The former politician named George W. Bush has taken it upon himself to form a defacto control government of the United States of America with its main operational management team working out of Texas. More information shall be made available at the following web url: Mr. Bush has allegedly purchased shares in SpaceX in secret using shell corporations and proxy buyers. He plans to control all space travel in and out of the Americas using new advanced propulsion and other technologies and by forcibly seizing control of your company. His methods may involve murder, extortion, computer hacking and kidnap.
You may have been invited to move to Texas in 2020 as a part of a greater plot to fulfill upon this endeavor. You may not be entirely aware that such an invitation to move to Texas was preceded by a breakthrough in science, specifically physics, relating to a profound new discovery in atomic physics made by myself, Mark E. Williamson. Some of these discoveries involved the building of gravimetric control systems by myself that may become useful in spacecraft.
Formula for Theft
The George W. Bush formula for this theft of the technology that I invented and that is owned by myself is as follows: steal my patents and gravimetric manipulation methods using hackers into the USPTO or through government contractors. Then, assign my patents to a carefully controlled subject who is engaged through a private contract; bring on board a major spacecraft manufacturing concern to invest in and license this stolen technology.
Methods of Subversion and Control
George W. Bush follows a blueprint which is his trademark for theft and subversion which goes as follows, and generally in this order:
1) Offers work or partnership to a target subject who has something of value that he wishes to own, control or steal
2) If the subject refuse he will implement aggressive subversion tactics which quite often ensnares the subject into extremely onerous and unbalanced business relationships.
3) If you refuse to work in his overly restrictive environment of absolute control, he may use his connections and power to jail, socially humiliate you or perhaps worse.
Obviously, if the foregoing is correct, Mr. Bush is indeed an uncivilized and barbaric operator, and any business venture that he wishes to enjoin with you, could end in personal tragedy.
I urge you to carefully review all major stock purchases in SpaceX over the last three years and to investigate each and every major contributor as such. Furthermore, if Mr. Bush wheels out some extraordinary new high technology that was invented by his family or friends, please be weary. I plan to be very aggressive in litigating against any patent infringing claims made by he and his band of subversives.