My Story and the Origins of Bitcoin, Updated November 2024

Currently, Bill Gates is attempting a worldwide coup over Bitcion using Michael Saylor as his patsy and my patent pending ideas.

Por: ME Williamson

Posted: 14 Mayo 2024

On September 11, 2001, while watching those buildings come down, in that vivid illustration of a government gone terribly amok, I decided that I had had enough and began to plan my exit from the United States of America. I would leave my birth home and find a new land. My departure would have to be put on hold for 10 years while I fought to disentangle myself from my country. It was not until December 2007 that the matter really became urgent for me.

At the time I was working with Santa Barbara venture capitalists to develop a system to open up more competition in the operating system marketplace and to make it easier for developers to build their applications. I began development of a bridge extension that myself and my supporters were calling ideaOS. This bridge would allow software developers to make their application once and then have it run on all current operating systems. This was made possible by adding ideaOS on top of the operating system, adding a fourth layer to the current PC model. In the current model we have APP/OS/PC. With ideaOS this would become APP/IDEAOS/OS/PC, a four layer model which develops a universal harmony that is currently missing. TCP/IP is an excellent example of a four layer system with this dynamic harmony, and, well, the Internet worked out to be fairly easy to build upon. This is largely due to the TCP/IP model. With this additional layer between the app and the OS, application developers would only have to deal with one, unified interface to develop their applications upon.

This new, four layer model would make it possible to build once and then run your application on every major operating system, without having to re-interface, re-code and then recompile your entire app for every operating system. This was going to be made possible by the inclusion of platform universality within ideaOS while also providing an useful set of simplified networking and interface tools allowing for easy storage and data management and communications, commensurate with the information age changes taking place on our planet. In the TCP/IP analogy, the operating system would then become as the IP functions in that model (app/transport/ip/lan). If successful, this would have substantially weakened Microsoft as applications would no longer be married to one specific operating system freeing consumers to run their favorite software applications on any operating system of their choosing. My new company was called InfoShare, and based on my many years experience running Williamson Software and previous works.

Williamson Software 1996

I had helped Bill Gates with his fledgling operating system back in 1992. He was an impatient man with an aggressive mentality who values intellect above all else. The Start button in Windows 95 along with the clean, streamlined interface and improved muti-tasking where some of my ideas. I told Bill that his 3.11 version of Windows was a frightening piece of garbage, was merely a DOS application running in graphics mode and would crash all networked PCs when I unplugged ANY Ethernet cable. The multi tasking was a joke and that it lacked any semblance of fluency or quality. In one consultation I had recounted about how in one of my first PC app programming jobs where my bosses would say to me, in reference to the new personal computer, "I only know how to turn the thing on." This inspired the one button UI design of Windows 95, which had helped to launch the PC revolution of the mid 1990s, but I was never given credit for this contribution by Bill Gates or Microsoft.

One might imagine that Mr. Gates was not so pleased to learn about ideaOS, and the potential to weaken Microsoft's 2006 monopolistic hold over the operating system market. He knew that his company would likely loose market share in such a scenario because, well, lets face it, Windows was no longer the innovator driving the operating system world. Linux had come onto the scene and was gaining a great deal of popularity, especially in the server market. Additionally, mobile was on the rise and had shunned the blotey, slow, awkward and unreliable Microsoft from the very beginning.

It was in this month, December 2007, that Mr. Gates sent hackers from the American CIA to my town of Santa Barbara to hack my servers, my company and infrastructure. As Gates refers to himself as "The Police" to virtually all the top Silicon Valley CEOs, he feels that it is his prerogative to decide who lives and who dies in the tech world.

By my view William Gates is the king of avarice and kleptomania. He simply stepped in and destroyed my work and the InfoShare dream of accelerating application development for our world. This is yet another example of things that I wanted to give to my people that this coward has wantonly decimated. Yet, he does not operate alone. It is my intention now to expose he and his team of thugs and robbers for all the world to see. In fact, at this point in our history, back in 2007, Mr. Gates had not yet risen to the level of prominence that he now enjoys with the greatest thieves and murderers of our world. He was not yet at the top of the pyramid that feeds like a cancer off of society. He was little more than someone a few floors up from me back then. I knew then that in order to impact and better normalize life for the people of my world I would need to improve the function of the monetary system, as I envisioned the real power was in the hands of those who controlled the money.

At the time there was a brilliant cryptographer living in Santa Barbara working in the tech community. I had seen Hal at a few running events as we both liked to compete in local races (I had retired from full time professional Triathlete just after founding Williamson Software, but still remained competitive in local events). Hal Finney had worked for a hero of mine, Phil Zimmerman, in developing PGP which fundamentally changed the possibilities for security and privacy for the individual citizens of our world. I can remember as a boy growing up in Palos Verdes, California reading about Mr. Zimmerman in the Wall Street Journal. PGP took the world by storm in the early 1990s, arousing debate and challenging the encryption as munitions legal standards of the day. Before Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Finney created PGP, Pretty Good Privacy, we had no reliable or strong encryption. We were forbidden from owning or using such a thing as a tool to encrypt our personal information, for any purpose. Mr. Zimmerman risked his freedom and emerged as a revolutionary cryptographer, vanquishing the legal anachronisms of the day. Hal had worked for Phil on the PGP program and seemed very knowledgeable about cryptographic protocols. I then became involved in contributing to these efforts in 2007.

Finney had some great ideas and had already spent years trying to build a trustless cryptocurrency system. After assessing his various projects I did what I normally do when called to solve a problem, I carefully diagnose and define the problem, then I proposed a solution. What his cryptocurrency systems lacked was a verification method to replace the reliance upon a third party, eliminating counter party risk. He needed a way to prove that a coin had not already been spent to solve the double spending problem and the cryptographic hardware card that he was using at the time seemed impractical and not scalable among an anonymous Internet community. The solution seemed fairly obvious. I already had 20 years in the database field, so I proposed a solution based on my expertise and my world view. Why not give everyone a copy of the database of coin spends, a distributed database to every participant? Coincidentally, I was just then working on a decentralized file system as part of InfoShare and ideaOS. This then gave rise to a proper database and data distribution system with a security mechanism to guarantee data file integrity.

Central to my ideaOS design was the iBlock, a file allocation table that would automatically be replicated across any number of storage devices creating a decentralized file system. Key to the iBlock system, was the cryptographic hash, a fingerprint of sorts, which guarantees that the contents of any given file may be verified, simply through a hashing process and comparing the output hash summary code to the code contained in the file system dictionary. If correct, then the file was genuine and up to date. This gave users the ability to perform file system replication across a diversity of storage and networking topologies (see below white paper that I published in the Santa Barbara tech community in the summer of 2007). This would have been a revolutionary concept for operating system users back then and had been at the back of my mind over the twenty years working in the database field. The iBlock concept of a hash verified, distributed file system was just what Finney needed to complete his cryptocurrency design. And so the blockchain was born.

This was then applied to the brilliance of Finney and his expertise in cryptography to become what we know today as Bitcoin, a decentralized peer-to-peer cash system. My small contribution and Finneys experience and expertise then contributed to the writing of a blueprint that is, now, famously known today as the Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin whitepaper. Understandably, no one wanted their name on this project, and, therefore the Nakamoto pseudonym was chosen to create a singular pseudonym and keep confidential the names of those working on the project. If I recall correctly, the name chosen was his idea.

At the time I ran a proxy service called GhostProxy, at This website acted as a worldwide proxy to assist people in remaining anonymous and received hundreds of thousands of hits per day which was great cover traffic. At the time I was working in the Santa Barbara area as an expert in secure communications, ethical hacking, firewalls, intrusion detection and network security systems and protocols. Proxy services such as GhostProxy and Tor were then used to cover our tracks while promoting this new decentralized monetary system. At first no one really took notice, and despair loomed. We were paranoid for no reason and had wasted our time.


After a few key postings, however, and a few code tweaks, the project began to take hold and slowly people began to join. It became obvious, as I knew from the beginning, that my involvement in this project would draw unwanted attention from people high up in and around government as I was well known by many insiders as a technical problem solver. Any work that I had done on a monetary system would certainly be regarded with extreme scrutiny and draw a great deal of criticism. The domestic surveillance systems in the continental United States are constantly churning and churning, wringing out the secrets of our own little lives like busy little bees. Gates, as the police commissioner of Silicon Valley, soon added this new work that I was doing to my list of crimes, perhaps moving me upward from a mere annoyance to a threat. He was now also finally able to get the support of the real power, as this was more than just trouble for his fading software company. Things did not go well for Hal and I after this moment. Our lives were quickly turned upside down.

The list of annoying, brutally harassing and ridiculously awful things they did to us is far too lengthy to list. Call it extreme gas lighting from professional fuck head gas lighters. In one such episode Hal was “swatted” in his home which means that 911 was called and the police were told that Hal was doing something dangerous in his home. Police ascended upon his house and detained him until the local police realized that the call was a fake. They hacked us, broke into our houses and stalked us by planting back doors into our work computers. I discovered this one day when they started sending emails while I was still typing them, before they were finished or even spell checked. They unsubscribed all of my GhostProxy subscribers, all in one go on one afternoon. I received a slew of emails from PayPal informing me that I had just unsubscribed all of my customers, one-by-on, each generating a separate email.

They poured turpentine on my laundry in my closet. They poisoned and killed one of our dogs. NSA employees hacked the GhostProxy servers and destroyed this business. I moved from server to server trying to stay alive and keep this business going. They were constantly breaking into my home whenever I was out and sometimes while I was sleeping. I contacted federal police for assistance and they openly mocked me. They turned off our cell phones by reprogramming them to no longer charge the batteries. They slowly ruined InfoShare and the other businesses with which I was an investor, contractor or just affiliated. Out of spite, Gates enabled Google to steal my DocuPost system, another InfoShare product. He gave my idea to Google to be turned into Google Drive. The concept for Google Drive, although unpatentable, had been my invention and something that I had worked hard on for 18 months before Gates stole this invention and "gave it" to Google to work in conjunction with their existing Google Docs.

They even hacked my investors, ruining lives and businesses, and then tried to make it look like I did it. These were some of the most dirty and aggressive hacks, attacks to my life and businesses that I had ever experienced. Finney was given a dose of the same, and they were constantly threatening us both with prosecutory actions completely unrelated to any technology that we were developing. They would have put us in prison for J-walking if they could find a way to do it legally.

Unfortunately, my presence in the Bitcoin space only made things worse for the community as it brought the technology under the spotlight. I wanted to speak publicly, but I felt that my involvement would be better as a remote and silent observer. The fire had been started in the California Central Coast and others would add fuel to the fire. What a grand blaze it become! Bitcoin needed to get away from North America and, frankly, we just got tired. When I walked away from the United States in 2011 I left all of that behind. I was tired of the drama and the great hardship this had brought to our lives. Hal was in bad shape and I felt somehow responsible. I had accelerated this thing. Would he still be alive if I had not gotten involved?

I know that Hal would be absolutely thrilled to see where Bitcoin has gone and all of the wonderful projects that it has inspired. People have done so many extraordinary and amazing things with what started as a fairly modest idea and simple software program. I had decided that the world would choose its own fate around this new system, and I hoped that it blossom into something wonderful for everyone.

I have seen several questions floating around the Internet being asked about the original Bitcoin creators. I think most have been answered fairly accurately. To this I can further offer the following:

Question: How did the Forth-like stack system become a part of Bitcoin?

Answer: In the mid 1980s I started experimenting with the Forth programming language and then in the early 1990s I wrote a dBase replacement program called C-FORM for my fledgling software company, Williamson Software. The original version of C-FORM was written in Forth. My father, a prolific aerospace engineer and programmer, had shared Forth with me in 1985 which I believe was originally written to program robots. As a programmer, I appreciate the machine-like simplicity of the postfix programming system and the ability to encapsulate entire and complex functional elements into words. The LIFO Forth stack was a lot of fun and greatly simplified the overall program by replacing the need for named variables. Forth programs are extremely small, far smaller than prefix programming language programs. Given the scarcity of Internet resources at the time, this seemed like an appropriate option and had influence upon the design.

Question: Why were some of the spellings in communications British?

Answer: This was in fact not an attempt to obfuscate the sender's country as has been speculated. I, like many others at the time were running Ubuntu Linux as this OS was becoming quite popular with many tech and hacker hobbyist and the rapidly expanding web community, and, well, convenient for booting a Tor client directly from CD. This was obviously done for security reasons as Live CDs do not contain personal information. The default Ubuntu distro CD downloaded from the origin country of England, still currently available at, shipped with a version of OpenOffice which had spell check. Although annoying at times, it was a minor hassle to change the spell check dictionary away from the default, en-GB, British English version baked into the CD. This was perhaps due to a bit of laziness, having to reconfigure the OS image for the US English, en-US, dictionary and then burn this into a new CD image. The default distro gave us British spellings for some of our words at times, especially while communicating on the go.

Server half rack installed in my RV while living and working on my property near Dyess AFB in Texas 2010

When I left the United States, after spending a hell on earth 18 months in Texas working with George W. Bush and the NSA, I resolved to make a new start for myself (this experience is outlined in the "Dear United States..." story on this blog).

Bitcoin price early 2011

A few years earlier I had taken an interest in solar power, so I decided to invent a new solar panel. I quickly made the obvious discovery that heat impeded electromotive force due to the excitation and liberation of phonons, and that by cooling solar cells, they produced more power. I went to a small town in Chihuahua to rest and reflect upon my life. I sold my car and rented a small store. I discovered and adopted this brindle chihuahua as a travel mate. I named him Rex. My Mexican dog with a gringo name.

Rex 2011

They were not, however, finished with me. It seems like every time the price of Bitcoin goes up, they think of me and launch a new round of attacks on my servers, my life and my friends. Perhaps they think that this is somehow my fault. They were following me again and began to interfere in my new life in Mexico. One day they sent the two contractors from Texas who took up position renting a hotel room right next to my store and apartment in the small town where I had just spent 18 months. They had been contracted to murder me in Texas the year before and had tried to take me at gun point and then hang me before I escaped from the United States. In business, always hope for the best but plan for the worst. After seeing them on the street one evening I began packing my belongings over a period, and left in the middle of the night, heading out and disappearing into the wilderness on my mountain bike with only what I could carry.

I would cross over the mountain range and into Sonora. I knew there would be no paved or marked roads of any kind. In the days leading up to my departure I had captured screen shot images from outer-space. I had carefully studied and marked these, the dirt trails that would lead me over the bottom portion of the Sierra Madre mountain range and out into the Sonora desert. Using these captured images now on my laptop I noted streets, large objects visible from outer-space such as trees and houses and more obvious road patterns and colors. I used these to locate the well known outpost for Pancho Villa, my marker, and then departed the desert low lands of Chihuahua beginning my arduous ascent into the mountains that separated this from the state of Sonora. In order to navigate through the mountain range, it was imperative that I match my surroundings with the images on my laptop. I knew that it would be very difficult and inconvenient for them to try and follow me here. Rex and I managed to navigate many wild and rugged lands together in the north, meeting many welcoming and kind strangers along the way, finally landing two months later in the city of Hermosillo.

When we arrived here we had 50 pesos left, and I had contracted a blood infection.

I can still remember my first time entering Hermosillo with Rex, and seeing that great big antenna on Bell Hill. All of that naked technology, awesome, back to civilization! On the first day I made friends with the owners of a cyber cafe. I began teaching violin and English to earn money. I built a few websites and contracted to write an online eye exam application. I had planned to stay for a while, regroup and then keep going, riding my bicycle all the way to the southern tip of South America. Then, I met a few people and showed them my invention, my liquid cooled solar panel. I had managed to build a few prototypes the year before in Chihuahua where I had set up a solar products store. They liked the idea, and I found a man, Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna, who was willing to invest in my idea and to help me build this new solar panel, en mass.

I then made a decision. I would stand and fight here. I drew my line in the sand of Sonora, and I said to myself I shall go no further. We shall stand and fight here, in Mexico.

We started as a group of four and raised roughly $1/2 million USD. After the first year, Gonsalo and I bought out our other two partners. We solicited the government for grants and sold shares for another $2 million USD, bought some land and built a pilot factory. We had an injection mold made. We rented and set up a store near downtown. The name of the company we founded is named after my solar panel invention, SolarSnap, Inc ( I was enjoying teaching my many new, great friends, my investors, the art of the Silicon Valley startup. Yeah, the art of the start, hecho en Mexico!

We filed for grants and were given a total of $8 million pesos by the government of Mexico to build my liquid cooled solar panel. This act constituted the first time in my life that my government helped me to capitalize on an invention that I was making, rather than to steal it and give it to the oligarch friends of my government.

Bitcoin price 2013

Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna and myself in 2014 talking at a local radio station promoting our startup

Then, they caught up with me again. They began stalking myself and friends in Hermosillo. One day, four years on, my friend, Gonsalo was found dead hanging from the ceiling from a cable wrapped tightly around his neck, secured with two cable clamps IN THE BACK. The local police, in the pocket of George W. Bush, quickly ruled his death a suicide. This seemed preposterous to me. I knew that my friend had been murdered, likely by the same people who were stalking me and had likely murdered Hal. George's power has been on the rise, especially since I left Abilene Texas in 2011, and I had scorned him a few years earlier by declining his Facebook friend request (yes, these people actually have Facebook accounts). They then attacked the new store and set myself and my girlfriend up on false theft charges of our own solar panels that they said we had stolen while we were installing them. My girlfriend was 20 miles away working in the new store when my worker and I were kidnapped, held for undisclosed/irrational reason, but when I tricked my kidnappers into letting us go, they then accused my girlfriend and I of stealing our own solar panels! This absurdly ridiculous case was eventually dropped after I blogged extensively about it (more details in the Dear United States... story).

Bitcoin price 2017

I live now at my factory in a mobile home of my own construction. For the last five years I have been quietly developing new technologies while being stalked by the local police that George and Bill pay to follow me everywhere that I go. This actually started in Santa Barbara in 2007 and has followed me ever since. I have written about that on my other blog site that I started for my new Mexican friends, The stories on this site are in both Spanish and English.

The stalking became fever pitch, however, earlier this year. Starting in about January. I suddenly found myself living in a lock-step surveillance hell where a minimum of 3 police cars were always in sight of me whenever I left me home. They made absolutely no effort to hide their presence and would occasionally stop in their patrol vehicles just in front of me and then video me on their camera phones while I drove by (it is pretty obvious someone is making a video when they are standing on the sidewalk, keep their phone trained on you as you drive by and the light is on.) They never pulled me over. They never talked to me, but they were always around whenever I went out. The experience was almost surreal. This went on for six months.

I was wondering why such intensity that all of a sudden I was being stalked in such a peculiar manner. Then I noticed one day on Youtube Michael Saylor was announcing the Orange ID program. As I began watching in dread I was immediately suspicious. Then he headlined it, leading with Microsoft integration. My dread turned to horror. It seemed fairly obvious what was happening. Bill Gates was working with Michael Saylor to steal my eCoin patent and to incorporate my new consensus algorithm into Bitcoin using the BIP process. I was able to quickly confirm my theory through my network.

Bitcoin price 2024

Moving forward with our planet, our monetary system and our way of life, I have elected to fortify Mexico and to make it a safe haven for cryptocurrency innovators, developers and creators. In April of this year I delivered a lengthy letter to our presidente, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO (while the aforementioned, lock-step surveillance was taking place). In it I addressed the threat that the United States poses to the security of Mexico and the Americas. I hope to strengthen ties with local and national leaders and to build Mexico into a safe haven for us to develop DeFi projects and do crypto mining. I had taken this roughly 60 page letter to a military base to pass on to our president. En route to the base I was followed by approximately 20 police cars. I shot a video of the police when I arrived at the base who then parked on the sidewalk and opened all of their doors in an intimidating gesture. I gathered my courage and walked right around them and into the military base to deliver my letter. See above link for the video.

Sonora State police following me to deliver a letter to the president of Mexico at the Hermosillo Air Force Base in April 2024. Police were contracted by Gates to intimidate me into dropping my eCoin patent to make way for fraudulent Orange ID program originating from Bill Gates using Michael Saylor as his proxy

I then wrote this explanation article to the police and posted it to the website to notify them exactly WHY they were being paid by rich gringos to closely stalk me (I know one of the local police captains and he told me that many in local law enforcement occasionally follow my blog). Almost immediately after I posted this new story, just within one or two days, the police backed off. The overt stalking was suddenly halted.

You may find information about the eCoin project at the following web locations:

I wrote about my forward thinking ideas for DeFi, to work with Mexico in building a crypto safe jurisdiction, in my blog and announced that we were going to make Mexico the cryptocurrency capital of the world. Less then 10 days later, Donald Trump, during his campaign for president, was shouting, "And we are going to make the United States the cryptocurrency capital of the world!" Coincidence? I seriously doubt it. Donald Trump is a ventriloquist dummy for the Bush deep state and they stalk me like a bipolar, obsessive ex girlfriend. I am not too worried, however. Who is going to be dumb enough to join the 911 Blackstone blockchain? I think Gates is coming to realize that the DiFi community has developed a rather healthy skepticism. I am glad. Keep it up! FedBoy, Orange Man and Rocket Boy may not always be your friends.

Bush and Gates work together closely to control their asset, Donald Trump. They have plans to fold Bitcoin into the government and outlaw independent development upon this protocol. In the future they will vet and control all process changes made into Bitcoin and violators will go to jail, as the competing American oligarchy against Bush has jailed CZ, SBF and others (this has become a complex matter now as, since we started the Occupy Walstreet movement in 2010, there are now two major forces running the Americas and they are both fighting for control of the White House). The Bush deep state has absolutely zero love for us and they fully plan to seize control of Bitcoin using Trump and Musk as their proxy leaders. If you know people working in DeFi and this applies, kindly ask them to stop giving away the cryptocurrency crown jewels to cheap, convicted felons and mass murderers. The Bush camp makes the old school camps look like school boys. Seriously!

International politics is a complex subject. The most pervasive attacks against DeFi are predominantly coming from the Unites States. This is a very complex dynamic that is in a constant state flux. If you have any questions about this matter and any liaison relationships that you are considering entering into with any of the aforementioned individuals, OLIGARCHS ONE AND ALL, then kindly confer with me before committing to anything having to do with working with the existing major governments. You cannot make a deal with the Bush people. They are far and away the most dirty, underhanded and absolutely uncompromising villains imaginable. What did Snowden, another escapee like myself, say at the recent crypto conferences: "DON'T JOIN A CULT". Perhaps his political precariousness precludes more pointed pronouncements? I cannot speak for Mr. Snowden, but I believe that Donald Trump was the cult to which he was referring. How did you behave at the conference when the orange man stood up to speak? Like the forgotten girl at a high school dance who finally got the first boy to come along and asked her to dance?

I am developing the eCoin protocol under a new nonprofit company called Earthica Society, PBC, a Delaware Public Benefit Company. The new Earthica eCoin addresses the core scalability issue with Bitcoin. I solved this problem using the new, aforementioned, consensus algorithm which I invented in 2019 called PAC, Probable Agreement Consensus. Earthica is the DOA, Decentralized Autonomous Organization, for this new protocol and system.

The new mainnet is called DNA, which stands for Decentralized Network Accounting. I took a totally different approach than what was used in Bitcoin. The new database system divides the types of assets into classes, each with its own table. I have almost 40 years now working in databases, and I think it is time to introduce something with a bit more dimension by using a relational database model. It is a little more complicated working consensus through with a dual database design, but I think it was worth it. We will release a whitepaper soon outlining the new protocol and overall system.

If you are like minded, in any capacity or interest, perhaps you will consider joining me here @Hermosillo in the state of Sonora, Mexico. You are welcome to connect with me on any of my social media channels: Youtube, Facebook, TwitterX and the new system that I am developing as a social media that specializes in supporting DeFi projects, called Earthizen Social. I, as are others in the DeFi community, am developing a new mind set for my world around the big idea of an independent rule for our entire planet through a community driven, decentralized database. This can be the focus of our collective society. Once you have gained citizenship in Earthica you shall be given a peer number and be able to work and trade on the DNA mainnet as well as receive 10 free eCoins. Free signup at

I left A LOT out of this story. I recently invented a new scientific framework to explain gravity, but I did not want to talk about that here. I wanted to take a moment to just be with this community, Hal, and the emotional journey that we are sharing in together in the DeFi world. It has been a wild ride. A lot of sad things have happened in my life, as I am sure you have had your challenges too.

As part of a group of technologies I hope to develop I would like to bring back Hal from cryogenic storage. My plan is far too lengthy to explain here, but I plan to develop a technology company called Regen that focuses on brain modification of 10-12 genomic expression areas. With this technology and modification to our DNA to build a checksum into cell replication eliminating cellular replication problems and cancers, that occur as a result of aging, we can extend our lives to hundreds of years. I have an invention in mind that uses the HyperDrive ( gravity production method to build a projected, remote gravimetric field to make possible internal operations on humans without invasive surgical procedures. This coupled with brain research may be applied and used to bring back Harold Finney.

I think that God has a plan for all of us and these hardships that we are enduring are a part of a passageway that we must traverse for humankind. We must get through, together, as one people. I pray for you and your families, and I thank you for your support.

I think that Hal would really appreciate this sentiment: We are all Satoshi now.

If you came to this article looking to finally reveal the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the answer: You are the real Satoshi Nakamoto.

Thank you for reading!

If you are interested in learning about my involvement with the key actors in the US government, what happened to my business partner in SolarSnap, and how they tried to jail my girlfriend and myself in Mexico including a kangaroo courtroom video, you may discover more of my journey in the story, Dear United States, I would like to see other countries

For a story that includes my discovery of how to control gravity and the gravity control controversy that arose as a result of my greatest discovery yet, please read I Present: Gravity Control. May it unite and free us all.

July 2007 PoC White Paper RE: iBlock File System (This PoC version was a first revision and only a rough draft, but seems to be the only one that I can find)

Williamson Software company history

Check out this great video which explains the how and why Mexico shall soon dominate the Americas and overshadow the United States.

Mexico Shall Soon Dominate All of the Americas

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